Which rosin is preferred?
The rosin allows the violinist to optimize the sound of his instrument. There are very inexpensive rosins by Geipel (hypoallergenic) for violin or the D’Addario natural rosin. The Andrea rosin orchestra or solo is carefully handmade in the USA. Pirastro Oliv/Evah Pirazzi rosin and Pirastro Gold/Wondertone.Rosin by Pirastro
Pirastro has optimized each of their rosin for their different strings. There is the Pirastro Eudoxa rosin for Pirastro Eudoxa strings. For the Pirastro Gold- and Wondertone Solo strings, the Pirastro Gold/Wondertone rosin was made. Correspondingly, there is Pirastro Obligato/Violino rosin and Pirastro Oliv/Evah Pirazzi rosin.
Hypoallergenic rosin
Many people with allergic complaints have waited for this. Rosin withhypoallergenic qualities. Now the own instrument can be played without hesitation. Here, the Larsen rosin for violin has to be named as well as the hypoallergenic rosin by Geipel. Both are very gentle and exclude allergic reactions at violin playing almost without exception.