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AQUILA rosin
for baroque gut strings, violin/viola/cello
19,95 Euro *
in stock
TORO viola string A
plain gut string
from 20,95 Euro *
in stock
TORO viola string D
plain gut string
29,95 Euro *
in stock
AQUILA viola string A
for baroque viola, lamb gut string
16,95 Euro *
in stock
AQUILA viola string D
for baroque viola, lamb gut string
from 23,95 Euro *
in stock
AQUILA viola string A
for baroque viola, cattle gut string, polished and varnished
15,95 Euro *
in stock
AQUILA viola string G
for baroque viola, demi-rectified oiled string, silver wound
39,95 Euro *
in stock
EFRANO viola string A
plain gut string
10,95 Euro *
in stock
TORO viola string G
gut string, silver wound
54,95 Euro *
in stock
AQUILA viola string D
for baroque viola, cattle gut string, polished and varnished
from 19,95 Euro *
in stock
AQUILA viola string C
for baroque viola, demi-rectified oiled string, silver wound
49,95 Euro *
in stock
EFRANO viola string G
Gut string, silver-plated
26,95 Euro *
in stock
TORO viola string C
gut string, silver wound
64,95 Euro *
in stock
EFRANO viola string D
plain gut string
12,95 Euro *
in stock
EFRANO viola string C
Gut string, silver plated
32,95 Euro *
in stock
CUSTOMIZED string by Pirastro
Plain gut string for historical instruments
27,95 Euro *
available shortly
GAMUT Tricolore viola string A
varnished gut string, knotted
31,95 Euro *
in stock
GAMUT Tricolore viola string D
plain gut string, knotted
44,95 Euro *
in stock
CUSTOMIZED string by Pirastro
Plain gut string for historical instruments
32,95 Euro *
available shortly
GAMUT Tricolore viola string D
varnished gut string, knotted
44,95 Euro *
in stock
CUSTOMIZED string by Pirastro
Plain gut string for historical instruments
26,95 Euro *
available shortly
GUTMANN viola string A
plain gut string, 140 cm long
19,95 Euro *
in stock
CUSTOMIZED string by Pirastro
Plain gut string for historical instruments
39,95 Euro *
available shortly
DRAGO viola string D
Plain gut string »Cordoncini di Roma«
54,95 Euro *
in stock
DRAGO viola string A
Plain gut string »Cantini di Napoli«
43,95 Euro *
available shortly
CUSTOMIZED string by Pirastro
Plain gut string for historical instruments
62,95 Euro *
available shortly
CUSTOMIZED string by Pirastro
Plain gut string for historical instruments
51,95 Euro *
available shortly
DRAGO viola string G
Plain gut string »Cordoni Cordedrago«
79,95 Euro *
available shortly
GUTMANN viola string G
plain gut string, 140 cm long
44,95 Euro *
in stock
GUTMANN viola string D
plain gut string, 140 cm long
29,95 Euro *
in stock

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Reliable viola strings

Many viola strings are characterized by a long lifespan. Next to the classic gut strings (Pirastro Eudoxa viola) and the classic steel strings (Larsen viola strings) there are many newly developed viola strings nowadays. The modern strings made of synthetic fibers (Pirastro Evah Pirazzi viola) and the PEEK-plastic strings (Pirastro Obligato viola) are very popular. But also the carbon fiber strings (Corelli Alliance viola) are highly in demand.

The best gut strings for viola

Pirastro is classified as best manufacturer of gut strings for viola. The traditional Pirastro Oliv viola and Pirastro Eudoxa viola strings are made of the highest quality. The Pirastro Passione viola is a newly developed gut string for highest demands. There are pure classical gut strings by Damian Dlugolecki.

Viola strings for students

D´Addario Prelude viola strings are good and inexpensive student’s strings. Preferred student’s strings for viola are Thomastik Dominant viola strings because of their quick response. But also Thomastik Vision viola strings as well as the Pirastro Tonica viola strings or Corelli Crystal viola strings are popular and inexpensive alternatives, offering a good quality.

Modern viola strings with a synthetic string core

The use of modern synthetic strings is accepted more and more also with the viola. The optimal tuning stability is accompanied by the good tonal quality of the viola strings. By Pirastro, Passione violaObligato viola and Evah Pirazzi viola deserve a special mentioning next to all other brands. But also the Larsen viola strings and by Thomastik the Vision viola and Dominant viola strings highly in demand.

Classic steel strings for viola

Steel strings have a long tradition in the use with viola. They are highly durable, and keep the tuning very well, the sound is homogeneous and the price is right. Here, especially the Thomastik Spirocore viola strings, but also the Pirastro Piranito viola strings may be mentioned. The Jargar viola strings are very soft sounding steel strings.