Line Grid
AMATO string refresher
steel wool cleaning cloth
9,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO Notes cleaning cloth
»Musik ist Dein Leben«, made of microfibre, 27 x 27 cm
3,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO Polishing cloth
for cleaning and polishing, 100% cotton
2,95 Euro *
in stock
Spike anchor
Floor protector for cello and double bass, leather band with loops
19,95 Euro *
in stock
GON POPS rosin
Professional rosin for double bass
18,75 Euro *
in stock
PETZ Cleaning Cloth
Made of microfibre, especially suitable for string instruments
3,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO string cleaner
for steel and synthetic strings, 20 ml
7,95 Euro *
in stock
Original HILL peg soap
Peg soap to make the pegs smoother
12,95 Euro *
in stock
Face Mask Music
100% cotton, with music motif, 1 piece, different colours
12,95 Euro 1,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO cleaning cloth Deluxe
microfiber, suitable for stringed instruments and piano
3,95 Euro *
in stock
BELLACURA polishing cloth
35cm X 35cm, high quality cotton
4,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO cleaning set
PACATO clean + polish, stringcleaner and microfiber cloth
19,85 Euro 16,95 Euro *
in stock
Tea strainer note
with eighth note shape
3,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO music bag
2 outside pockets, front pocket and 3 interior compartments
33,50 Euro 17,50 Euro *
in stock
in stock
in stock
PAGANINO cleaner set
Luthier Profi polisher, Bellacura cloth, Pacato string cleaner
31,40 Euro 24,95 Euro *
in stock
Original HILL Varnish Cleaner
Mild cleaner and polish combination, 25 ml per glass bottle
12,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO Bow hair cleaning kit
Cleaner, regenerating liquid, comb and towel
29,95 Euro *
in stock
NYMAN rosin
for double bass
12,95 Euro *
in stock
AROMA finger trainer
precisely trains strength and dexterity of the individual fingers and the hands
9,95 Euro *
in stock
BELLACURA microfiber cloth
6,95 Euro *
in stock
GÖTZ Original peg soap
with graphite, proven remedy for more than 100 years
9,95 Euro *
in stock
... no longer cold hands, 1 pair
24,95 Euro *
in stock
VARIGRIP finger trainer
specifically trains strength and dexterity of fingers and hands
21,95 Euro *
in stock
impregnated with Bellacura cleaner liquid
1,45 Euro *
in stock
CARUSO cough drops
strong, after original recipe from 1877, 60 g
4,95 Euro *
in stock
PEDI microfiber cloth
ultrafine lint-free microfiber cloth, 24 x 24 cm
4,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO hand warmer SHORT
... no longer cold hands, 1 pair
21,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO clean + polish
cleaner and polisher, 20 ml
7,95 Euro *
in stock
for double bass
19,95 Euro *
in stock
LAPELLA No.31 Sensitive cleaning wipe
For sensitive cleaning and care of fingerboard and strings of classic string instruments
1,95 Euro *
in stock
LAPELLA No.31 Sensitive cleaning wipes
For sensitive cleaning and care of fingerboard and strings of classic string instruments, 10 pcs
9,95 Euro *
in stock
HANDMASTER Plus hand trainer
Your all-in-one hand excecise solution
23,95 Euro *
in stock
Planet Waves microfiber cloth by D'Addario
for the removal of water-soluble and greasy dirt without cleaning agents
14,50 Euro 10,95 Euro *
in stock
in stock
PEG SOAP by Pirastro
Peg soap to make the pegs smoother
15,95 Euro *
in stock
D'ADDARIO Stoppin endpin anchor
for cello and double bass
24,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO Hot Hands heat pad
package of 2, warms very well up to 10 hours
3,95 Euro *
in stock
Cleaning Cloth by Leatherwood
clean rosin off your instrument, bow, bow hair or strings, microfiber, 40 x 40 cm
14,95 Euro *
in stock
Acupressure ring
made of coated spring steel, individual adjustment to the finger
3,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO Classic floor protector endpin
conically shaped for double bass
6,95 Euro *
in stock
Conradi, S.: Pflegehinweise zum Erhalt Ihres Streichinstruments
maintenance booklet in German / Wolfgang Conradi Verlag 9783980478311
9,90 Euro *
in stock
LAPELLA Intense Fingerboard Recovery Oil
15 ml + LAPELLA hightech microfibre-cloth
15,95 Euro *
in stock
for double bass
13,95 Euro *
in stock
ALPINE MusicSafe hearing protection
2 pairs of filters (high and medium protection) & Keyring-Travelbox, reduces volume by 19 to 22 dB
29,95 Euro *
in stock
HIDERSOL varnish care
for cleaning and reviving the varnish of stringed instruments, 50 ml
6,95 Euro *
in stock
Rosin Saver
protect your rosin from drying out in the storage container with a silicone cup
39,95 Euro *
in stock
Planet Waves polishing cloth by D'Addario
untreated, double brushed cotton flannel, washable
8,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO Premium sheet music bag
4 interior pockets, 2 outside pockets
42,50 Euro 19,95 Euro *
in stock
MUSIC GIFT face mask
Level 3 bacterial filtration efficiency with antiviral & antibacterial protection
14,95 Euro 1,49 Euro *
in stock
PROTECT finger protection by Pirastro
calms and nourishes stressed skin, 18 g
16,95 Euro *
in stock
L'ORIGINAL cleaning cloth by BAM
high quality microfibers enhanced with Silver Nano technology
17,95 Euro *
in stock
Pfortner, A.: Fitness-Programm für Geiger
Einspielübungen für Geige / Siebenhüner Musikverlag 22570
16,00 Euro *
in stock
KOLSTEIN SET Cleaner and Polisher
120 ml, 1 bottle Cleaner and Polisher each, including 2 cleaning and polishing cloths
59,50 Euro *
in stock
Sure Stop floor protector
rubber disc with metal insert
9,95 Euro *
in stock
Original TOURTE round mute
for double bass, rubber
9,95 Euro *
in stock
WOLF Super Endpin Stop
floor protector for cello and double bass
21,95 Euro *
in stock
Floor protector Endpin
for double bass, oblong-cylindrical
6,95 Euro *
in stock
AMBER rosin for bass by Leatherwood
for double bass, 5 different variants
39,95 Euro *
in stock
STRING OIL by Pirastro
50 ml, for gut strings
21,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO Portable Thermo-hygrometer
can be opened/closed, only 29 g
14,95 Euro *
in stock
FAST FRET string cleaner and lubricant
Silicone-free special polish for smooth playable necks, fingerboards and strings with optimal protection
12,95 Euro *
in stock
VIOL Cleaner and Polisher
For the care or or refreshment of stringed instruments and bows, 20 ml
11,95 Euro *
in stock
NEEM finger massager
Finger massager made of neemwood (hand-carved)
19,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO peg soap
Peg soap to make the pegs smoother
6,95 Euro *
in stock
XEROS strap
Floor protector for double bass
24,95 Euro *
in stock
ULTRA mute
for Double bass, rubber, for 4-string instruments
9,95 Euro *
in stock
in stock
PACATO 'Moxx' Digital Thermo-hygrometer
battery included, with Max-Min-function
21,95 Euro *
in stock
CREMONESE microfibre cloth
Two-fiber microtechnology
14,95 Euro *
in stock
BELLACURA Fingerboard Oil
cleans and refreshes the fingerboard, 75 ml
12,95 Euro *
in stock
Ebony mute
for double bass, for 4-string instruments
23,95 Euro *
in stock
CECILIA Rosin Spreader
helps even and thorough rosin application
11,95 Euro *
in stock
DYNAFLEX Fitnesstrainer
specifically trains strength and dexterity of hand and arm muscles
39,95 Euro *
in stock
String Winder
for double bass, plastic
8,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO HEAT hand warmer
with integrated Hot Hands heat pad, 2 sizes available, 1 pair
29,95 Euro *
in stock
BELLACURA Spray bottle
for cleaning and polishing, 50 ml
17,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO Professional endpin tip
cane tip for upright bass, made of black rubber
7,95 Euro *
in stock
Mute Tourte-Form round
for Double bass, rubber
6,95 Euro *
in stock
STRETTO hygro/thermometer
very precise hygrometer and thermometer
38,50 Euro 31,95 Euro *
in stock
ARTINO Sound cello pin stopper
suitable for cello and double bass, metal
12,95 Euro *
in stock
Glass nail file
protects against splintering and tearing of the nails, about 14 cm
1,95 Euro *
in stock
Rosin Saver Ultimate cleaning cloth
100% cotton towel with an abrasive, stainless-steel scrubbing patch for steel strings
26,95 Euro *
in stock
ALPINE PartyPlug ear plugs
1 pair, reduces volume by 19 dB, with storage box, music and conversations remain audible
21,95 Euro *
in stock
SALVIOLINA «Violinists' neck mark» ointment
For the care and prevention of pressure sores on the neck of violinists and violists, 50ml
36,95 Euro *
in stock
PACATO Klimatherm Thermo-hygrometer
diameter 7 cm, decorative golden ring
17,95 Euro *
in stock
UVEX hearing protection
1 pair, reduces volume by 37 decibel
0,95 Euro *
in stock
Prelle, U.: Leichtigkeit – Methodik zur Befreiung der Hände
Buch, gebunden, 152 Seiten / Verlag: Schott Music ED22401
23,00 Euro *
in stock
Nature Works String Cleaner
based on plant extracts, 50ml
18,95 Euro *
available shortly
Massage ball
7 cm, with nubs, massage without much effort
2,95 Euro *
in stock
NEEM Massage porcupine
Massage ball made of Neem wood for acupressure, approx. 5,5 cm
14,95 Euro *
in stock
Dynamic Ear Earplugs 2.1 hearing protection
1 pair, reduces volume by 18 or 28 decibels, with carrying strap, music and conversations remain audible
11,95 Euro *
in stock
ResoundingFingerboard for Violin/Viola
Fingerboard attachment for violin and viola, for learning and specifying the vibrato and for increasing the general finger speed
149,00 Euro *
available shortly
LARICA rosin Gold VI
for bass, metal rosin after original Liebenzeller formula
29,95 Euro *
in stock
The Nomad Tool Cleaning tool
microfiber pad and natural bristle brush for cleaning of strings, surface, and hardware
19,95 Euro *
in stock
L'ORIGINAL music pouch by BAM
transparent black mesh fabric, extra-flat
19,95 Euro *
in stock
LARICA rosin Gold V
for bass, metal rosin after original Liebenzeller formula
29,95 Euro *
in stock
Peg wax to make the pegs smoother
7,95 Euro *
in stock
Alexander-Technik für Musiker
die richtige Nutzung von Körper und Geist / Verlag: Gustav Bosse BE2443
34,95 Euro *
in stock

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Accessories for double bass

In order to play the instrument double bass you need double bass strings as well as suitable rosin for the double bass bow. Endpin and spike are important for the strong anchoring of the double bass. The tuning of the strings is facilitated with a tuner and the volume is dimmed with a mute. With metronome and string adjuster the right note can be found easily. For the music stand there is also a stand light.

Rosin for double bass

Also at the double bass, rosin perfects the sound of the bowed instrument. Popular rosin for double bass is the Andrea rosin as well as the Pirastro Eudoxa rosin. An inexpensive but yet qualitative option would be the Carlsson rosin.

Endpins and spikes for double bass

The spike for double bass is needed so that the double bass stands safely on the floor. The Pacato double bass spike is very inexpensive. The Ulsa AntiVib double bass spike offers great comfort. Endpins for double bass are available as spike anchor, rubber disc or WOLF spike buffer.

Other accessories for double bass

The wolf eliminator is helpful, in order to prevent undesired background noises. A humidifier avoids cracking because of too dry air. For maintenance of the double bass the PACATO cleaning set can be used. Pickups are often used at jazz. For safe storage of the bow instrument there is the double bass stand. The music bag serves for transportation of sheet music and while playing the instrument you can attach a stand light to the music stand.

Metronomes and tuners

The mechanical or electronic metronome facilitates the practice. A mechanical metronome is the Wittner System Mälzel. Universal equipment made of metronome and tuner is the Korg TM-50. There are good tuners by Cherub and Fzone.