OBLIGATO violin string SET by Pirastro

item number: 151861
available shortly
The PIRASTRO Obligato violin strings have a modern synthetic core of multifilaments, which is exclusive to PIRASTRO. This offers musicians even more possibilities of expression and is insensitive to temperature and humidity fluctuations.

  • Loop end E string gold-steel
  • A aluminum wound
  • D and G silver wound
  • New-generation synthetic string
  • Beautiful, warm sound
  • quickly tuned
  • robust, powerful tone
  • brilliant volume
  • immediate response
  • perfect set harmony
  • insensitive to humidity and changes in temperature

Pirastro item number 411025
Doderer, J.: 2. Klaviertrio
31,80 Euro 22,50 Euro *
AMATO Gold rosin
14,95 Euro *
MELOS Bass Rosin
17,95 Euro *