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Simpson, M.: Ariel
44,50 Euro *
Vasks, P.: Adagio
19,00 Euro *

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Latest string- and piano music

At Paganino you'll always find the latest innovations of string music like violin music, viola music, cello music and double bass music. Whether it is an educational, studies, student concerts, student music, Rock&Pop, Jazz, Klezmer or orchestra music, we are always searching for the latest interesting sheet music and music literature for you. There is also always new piano music, whether as solo, as concert, studies or with orchestra.

New violin music

We are always searching for the latest interesting violin music for you. Whether classical violin concerts, sheet music for violin and piano, Klezmer, a violin educational, Christmas songs or sheet music for the Jazz – violin or solo – violin, we always find latest sheet music out of the rich violin literature.

New cello music

In the constant search of interesting and new cello music we have found a great selection for you: cello educational, the classical cello concert, sheet music for cello and piano but also cello solo, klezmer, Christmas songs or studies for the violoncello.

New double bass music

If you look for new and interesting double bass music, then you have found the right place here: double bass educationals, concerts for doublebass and piano, double bass pieces for children but also studies for double bass, there is always new music for double bass.

New piano music

Our employees are always in search of new and interesting piano music: the piano educational, tangos for piano, jazz-sonatas, piano pieces, autumn- and winter songs, preludes, national anthems, piano pieces for children, any wish is satisfied.

New music for ensemble

Whether sheet music for string duo, string trio or string quartet, string orchestra, piano trio or piano quartet till Christmas song, we are always finding new music for you.