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Books about music, composers and interpreters

Many people who are playing a stringed instrument like to know something about a composer or a famous interpreter. But also questions about the own instrument can be answered in the right books. Paganino offers many books about interesting facts of composers like Alban Berg, Beethoven, Schostakovitsch, Eisler, Schubert, Chopin, Strawinsky or interpreters like Dupré, Menuhin, Pablo Casals. The Brockhaus Riemann music encyclopedia or the Brockhaus Opera are an enrichment for every private library.

Books about composers

The sheet music of the famous composers is well-known to all musicians. But do you know the person behind the music? Who was loved by Alban Berg, from what Beethoven suffered at the old age and when Schubert or Schumann were born? Whether Chopin was Frenchman or Pole and where Strawinsky lived in exile? Those are all questions answered in the biographies and books about composers. Shop now, at Paganino.

Books about famous interpreters

Many years Uta Süße-Krause took photos of reputable cellists at their concerts and competitions. Together with the essay by Harald Eggebrecht an extraordinary illustrated book about prominent cellists like Janos Starker, Heinrich Schuff or Yo Yo Ma was the result. In his captivating autobiography „Licht und Schatten auf einem langen Weg“, Pablo Casals talks humorously about his life.

Books about bowed stringed instruments

In the book “Pflegehinweise” by Conradi you learn something about, how to maintain your stringed instrument. Boettcher and Pape describe in “Das Violoncelle” history, construction, technique and repertoire of the cello. Eduard Melkus inducts with “Die Violine” into the history of the violin and the violin play. The “Instrumenten-Brevier” is a manual and reference book which can be of great value for each musician. G. Mantel depicts in “Mut zum Lampenfieber” mental strategies for musicians.

Interesting facts about music

Interesting facts about music

You’ll find valuable information about music in the music dictionary by Hirsche, the Brockhaus Riemann Musiklexikon or the Brockhaus Oper; all important reference books about music. But also the Konzertführer Klassik by Konold, the Riemann music encyclopedia or the Reclam Kammermusikführer lead you through the world of music. If you are interested in music theory there are interesting book about it at Paganino.