Cello sheet music at a glance
At the first sight, you can find a great diversity of interesting cello sheet music for students. Whether a celloeducational or cello studies or even a rich selection of student literature for cello. Once you reached to the advanced literature of cello sheet music, the selection of cello concerts, over cello sonatas till chamber music for string players leaves nothing to be desired.
Cello sheet music for students
As core literature of student’sliterature for cello you can name the cello schools by Hirzel, Dotzauer or by Saßmannshaus “Früher Anfang auf dem Cello".the cello schools by Sevcik and Suzuki belong to the basis work of cello sheet music. Very interesting is the series “compendium for cello” from Dowani publishing house or the cello school by Sheila Nelson: Stepping Stones, Fast Forward and Waggon Wheels. There is also the "Cello mit Spaß und Hugo", or the series "Alles für Streicher" by Mantel.
Cello studies as artistic base
In order to interpret a cello concert or a cello sonata as a soloist it requires a preferably wide technical education, at which the daily studies of cello sheet music are irreplaceable. Standard cello studies are the works by Dotzauer, Grützmacher, Klengel, Sebastian Lee, Lösche, Popper, Schlemüller or Somlo. You’ll find further interesting cello sheet music in the category student’s literature for cello.